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    (Closed) The Impact of Speech Recognition on the mobile

    It’s no secret that speech technology has transformed the mobile experience in so many ways! From embedded solutions to innovative mobile apps speech recognition technologies have forever changed the way that you find the information you want and stay connected with the world around you right on your mobile device! More details here tropical plant identification .And why not!? It’s faster, easier, and well…it’s just plain natural!

    And pardon the pun, but the recent launch of  for iOS, well….its really got people talking! So this week at the  conference in  was on hand to discuss the many ways in which speech recognition technology has enhanced the overall mobile experience. Vlad also stopped in to chat with Ryan Kim of  for a revealing discussion on the future of mobile speech technology and to explain why we’re just now entering “an amazing era of speech.” So whether you’re a dedicated techie or just a casual mobile user, it’s definitely worth a read!

    More good news for consumers looking to get a handle on their voicemail! powerful Voicemail-to-Text service is enabling Wireless subscribers to have their voicemails transcribed to text and delivered via meaning they can quickly, easily and discretely keep up with voice messages on their mobile phone! 

    Text service, and how does it work? Just think of it as the ultimate in mobile communications flexibility. Our Voicemail-to-Text platform transcribes your incoming voicemails into  text messages delivered straight to your mobile phone. Each transcribed message features one-click link access, allowing you to respond to your messages via  message or return phone call---your choice! And if you’re on the go, each message can be easily saved or forwarded---so the days of writing down those easy-to-misplace messages are over!